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When We Heal

El Frasco de Acto Correcto

El Frasco de Acto Correcto

Regular price $250.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 USD
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Introducing The Act Right Jar (El Frasco de Acto Correcto) a spirit jar which is a powerful tool crafted with intention and acts as a “gentle nudge” towards better relationships with loved ones. Sometimes we are well on our own healing journey when it becomes complicated by loved ones who are under negative influences. We don’t want to cause them harm or take away their free will. When they are being influenced by negative energies or spirits intending them (and those around them) harm then an intervention may become necessary. The difference here is that you are influencing towards their highest good without defining for them what that is. 

With a proven track record, this work has brought positive results to countless individuals. The process behind each jar is rooted in ancient traditions and modern techniques, ensuring its authenticity and reliability.

I am passionate about pouring love and care into every aspect of crafting these Spirit Jars. From selecting the finest ingredients to harmonizing the energies, they ensure that each jar is of the highest quality. These are activated and shipped to you in protective packaging to ensure in tact delivery. 

🔔Payment plans are available through Shop Pay! 

Please allow 7 business days for delivery as these jars are placed on a working altar for activation and settling prior to shipping your new found spiritual charm. 

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